IMPACT21 | Sustainability Impact Conference
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Andres Rodriguez, Program Manager, Energy and Climate; IBM Corporate Environmental Affairs

Andres Rodriguez, Program Manager, Energy and Climate; IBM Corporate Environmental Affairs

Andres is a Program Manager for Energy and Climate programs in IBM’s Corporate Environmental Affairs staff. Since he joined IBM in 2016, his area of focus has been the management and advancement of IBM’s energy conservation, renewable electricity procurement and climate protection programs, working closely with IBM business organizations and covering topics such as corporate goal and strategy setting, performance analysis, and reporting. Most recently, Andres led the analysis that culminated in IBM setting its third-generation renewable electricity procurement goal, its fifth-generation greenhouse gas emissions reduction goal, and a new goal to reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. He holds a B.Eng. in Chemical Engineering from the Munich University of Applied Sciences and a M.S. in Sustainable Resource Management from the Technical University of Munich.



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